Judicial Arbiter Group is elated that Judge Kristen Mix has joined the distinguished arbiters at JAG.
Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix was appointed to the federal bench in 2007 and retired in August 2023. Prior to her judicial service, Judge Mix was recognized as a top employment lawyer by Chambers U.S.A. and named one of the top twenty-five women lawyers in Colorado by 5280 Magazine.
Judge Mix was on the Executive Committee of the Federal Magistrate Judges Association from 2017 to 2021 and acted as President in 2021 and 2022.
As a member of the Sedona Conference and the Sedona Advisory Board, Judge Mix assisted in drafting the Commentary on Possession, Custody and Control of documents under Fed. R. Civ. P. 34 and the Social Media Primer. In 2023 Judge Mix was appointed to the Global Advisory Council of the Electronic Discovery Research Module.
In 2006, Kris Mix was appointed by Governor Bill Owens to serve on the Colorado Commission on Family Medicine and was Chair of the Commission from 2013-2017. During that time, Judge Mix was a member and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Colorado Institute of Family Medicine.
Magistrate Judge Mix has taught at the Colorado School of Law and University of Denver College of Law as an adjunct professor.
Judge Mix is available now to set Mediation/Arbitration/Special Master hearings beginning October 9, 2023.